Most likely you have toiled in the fields of life being a multidimensional caretaker to many throughout your life's journey and you became invisibly -visible. The time is NOW for you to EXPAND & RISE. It's my life's mantra to walk with you on this leg of your journey and unlock the creative genius that resides in the depths of your soul. My goal is simple but focused, to unleash the hidden treasure within you. The result is that you will Soar without Apology.

As a Pastor, midwife, traveling companion, and clinical counselor- I understand the inner struggle, the fight, the crabs in the barrel feelings, and the mental gymnastics you experience to live your authentic life, a life of success. It's my deep-seated desire to interface with you on a deep personal level however there are a myriad of factors that preclude us from doing so. In the interim let's connect in this space in real-time.

Waterfall Blessings and See you at the top, Beloved!

Dr. Jamillah A. Mantilla 



Dr. Jamillah Mantilla has been an absolute treasure. She is a great source of encouragement and empowerment. Personally, she has reached into the purpose of God for my life and always reminds me of the word of the Lord to me. Dr. Jamillah has provided resources, course work, and exercises that have broadened and deepened my perspectives in business and ministry. She is generous with her wisdom and pours it out on those who are willing and receptive. As a coach, you know the value of a coach; I cannot express the value I have found in her. Coaches see your gift and help you embrace it and sharpen your skills; Dr. Mantilla has and continues to do so for me.

Pamela A. Major, MA

Dr. Mantilla has been an inspiration to me both professionally and personally, She is someone that I can confide in, and I can always depend on her for excellent business advice. There were days when I felt defeated and on the verge of giving up. A phone call or a text to Dr. Mantilla will reverse my doubts and fear and put me back on track.Dr. Mantilla is an extraordinary child of God who exemplifies the true meaning of love, sincerity, honesty, and purity. I am delighted to have her in my life, and I wish her all the success.

Dr. Veda

"Ever since the time I've met Apostle Jamillah, my life has never been the same. Through E4, Prayer Breakfasts, being apart of Global Favor Prayer Embassy, and much more there has been a huge transformation from within on these amazing platforms. I've been tremendously blessed by her ministries and just by her mere presence. She had pushed me and encouraged me through many difficult obstacles, Apostle wouldn't allow me give up. She recognized my God given potential, potentials that I didn't realized that I have. I'm always thanking God for allowing this divine connection, only HE alone knows what's best for you and I'm truly grateful for HIS choice, HIS daughter Apostle Jamillah."Thank you

Lesa Fairman

Ambassador Jamillah A. Mantilla has been a tremendous blessing to my life. She is a woman of God that truly wears many hats. I have had the pleasure of working under her leadership since 2013.

Kristen Leacock

“As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor, I understand that in order to see changes in people’s lives there is need to set goals. However, it is not just having goals that brings change; for we know there are so many people with unmet goals and aborted dreams. It is also having support, encouragement, and accountability from other that turns these goals into achievements. It is so valuable to have someone reminding you that “Yes, you can do it” as well as holding you accountable to what God has called you to be and do in HIS KINGDOM. That is what E4 was in my life, confirmation of the call, clear and attainable goals, accountability and most of all encouragement. Thank you to Dr. Mantilla for her obedience and for allowing the Lord to use her as a “Midwife” in the lives of others. Since my participation with E4, I completed my PhD, ordained as a Reverend, passed a Clinical test, opened my private practice, “Anchored Hope Counseling Center” and more importantly, became part of family of not only dreamer but of Kingdom minded achievers!”

Rev. Jacqueline Concepcion,Ph.D., LCSW

Dr. Mantilla's unique approach to learning is challenging and yet invokes and inspires physical, mental, spiritual and emotional excellence

Gwendolyn Hodges, CPA

Gwendolyn Hodges, CPA


The Expand & Rise podcast is hosted by Dr. Jamillah A. Mantilla, who intersects both profit and non-profit sectors. As your life's traveling companion, Dr. Mantilla starts off each episode in prayer and strategically unpacks global business & life matters surrounding recent events. Prepare to enlarge your territory and soar without apology! Dr. Mantilla takes a deep dive into a myriad of subject matters, leading to explosive and dynamic conversations. Dr. Mantilla also records, films, and uploads content to her YouTube Channel.

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